
A newcosplay of the Huntress makes Gotham’s resident crossbow-wielding vigilante look like she has just stepped off the comic book page. Artist Marika Leto successfully brings the longtime Bird of Prey into three dimensions, making Helena Bertinelli more real than ever in the process.

In threeposts on Instagram, cosplayer Leto shows off her pitch-perfect cosplay with style and panache. All the details are there, from the tactical purple gloves and belt to the perfectly-realized pointy mask.

Huntress is known for her weaponry, so Leto adds her trademark crossbow and bo staff to complete the cosplay. Special mention must also be made of the makeup work, as the purple lips and eyeshadow go a long way in making the cosplay feel like a piece of comic book art.


Huntress Becomes Gotham’s Deadliest Woman Alive in Twisted Bat-Family Transformation

Huntress may be an underrated Bat-Family member, but after one terrifying Beast World transformation, she’s the deadliest woman in Gotham.

This Huntress Cosplay Looks Like It Stepped Off the Comic Page

Huntress Deserves Another Comeback in 2024

This cosplay models Huntress’ most popular and recognizable costume, but the character has worn various looks throughout her history. The original Huntress was actually Helena Wayne, the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle from Earth-2.

The pointy mask, cape, crossbow, and overall purple color scheme started with the Wayne iteration of the character, as Helena decided to follow in her parents’ vigilante footsteps after her mother was killed. Helena Wayne was written out of continuity following the collapse of the multiverse in Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, but another Huntress was waiting in the wings.

Another character named Huntress predates both Helena Wayne and Helena Bertinelli: the Golden Age Huntress Paula Brooks, who first appeared in 1947’s
Sensation Comics
#68 by William Marston, Mort Meskin, and Harry G. Peter.

Created by Joey Cavalieri and Joe Staton, Helena Bertinelli made her debut in 1989, using the Huntress alias to get revenge on the Mob. Her costume was initially quite similar to the Earth-2 version, but as the character got darker, so too did her costume, with a black, form-fitting outfit replacing her classic purple leotard. Jim Lee redesigned the Huntress costume once more during the Batman: Hush story arc, and that basic look has mostly stayed in place through the years (with some added modifications). That modified Lee costume is the look Leto shows off in this cosplay, recreating the heroine in exacting detail.

Huntress Has Remained a Gotham Staple

Despite Her Problems with the Bat-Family

While her lethal methods often put her at odds with the Bat-Family, the Helena Bertinelli version of the Huntress eventually establishes herself as a major hero in her own right. She has been a long-serving member of Barbara Gordon’s Birds of Prey, and she even joined the Justice League for a time in the late ’90s. As one of DC’s most interesting heroes, it’s nice to see the Huntress recreated so beautifully in a comic-book-like cosplay.

Source: Marika Leto (1, 2, 3)

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