
A new god-tier incarnation of the Justice League has come together in a new variant cover that every fan of 1990s superheroes will love. The Justice League are ending their year-long hiatus, returning to their former glory in this Fall’s Justice League Unlimited #1. The new title brings together heroes from across the DC Universe, and a new, and familiar-looking, variant cover assembles some of the most powerful.

Justice League Unlimited
shares a name with the popular DC cartoon of the mid-2000s.

DC has released their November solicitations, including a first look at Justice League Unlimited #1, written by Mark Waid and drawn by Dan Mora. DC not only shared the solicitation for the book, but also a number of variant covers, in addition to Mora’s.

Justice League Unlimited #1 (2024)

Release Date:

November 27, 2024


Mark Waid


Dan Mora

Cover Artist:

Dan Mora

Spotlighted Variant Cover Artist

Howard Porter

Variant Covers:

Jim Lee, Andy Kubert, Ed Benes, Simone Bianchi, Daniel Sampere, Dave Wilkins, Yasmine Putri

THE WATCHTOWER RISES! The Justice League is back and bigger than ever! In the wake of Absolute Power and the DC All In Special, Darkseid’s death has triggered a massive power vacuum in the DCU, and Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman must unite like never before and expand the Justice League to encompass every hero championing the forces of good in the face of incredible evil! As our heroes work to uncover the mystery of the dark lord’s successor, Ray Palmer’s Atom Project triggers a race between hero and villain to control the fate of metahuman abilities on planet Earth, which threatens to destroy everything the League has built. Worlds will live, worlds will die, and a surprise is waiting in store on the last page…Do not miss the dawn of the new era of justice–it all begins here!

The cover, by Howard Porter, features DC’s Trinity charging into battle alongside Swamp Thing, Beast Boy, the Spectre and Kid Flash (Wallace West). Hanging in the background is the new incarnation of the Watchtower. It is larger than ever, ready to meet the challenges of a new era in the DC Universe.

If Justice League Unlimited’s Cover Looks Familiar, There Is A Reason Why

Justice League Unlimited Faces the Same Challenges JLA Did

Long time Justice League fans may notice something familiar about Howard Porter’s variant cover. In 1996, Porter, then a hot shot, up-and-coming artist, drew the cover for JLA #1. Written by Grant Morrison, the series brought together DC’s “Big Seven” for the first time in many years–and fans and critics responded enthusiastically to the book. JLA was a massive hit for DC, and helped make the Justice League franchise viable once again. The series is still fondly remembered by fans for its high-octane, high-concept storytelling, and was a breakthrough for both Morrison and Porter.

The events of
Absolute Power
have driven home the need for the Justice League, and a diverse group of heroes is set to answer the call.

JLA #1 had a lot of riding on it upon publication: the franchise had grown stale, becoming a shell of its former self, and something was needed to make it exciting again. In retrospect, JLA was just what the industry needed at that time: giant, epic stories invoking the adventurous spirit of a bygone era. The League is currently on hiatus in the DC Universe, and Justice League Unlimited marks the team’s return to greatness. The events of Absolute Power have driven home the need for the Justice League, and a diverse group of heroes is set to answer the call.

Howard Porter Is A Justice League Legend

Porter Brings the God-Tier Justice League to Life

Now, 28 years later, Porter has returned to help usher the Justice League into their next great era. For his variant cover to Justice League Unlimited #1, he mixes League stalwarts with exciting new recruits. The four newbies shown off in this cover are all immensely powerful, particularly the Spectre, and except for Swamp Thing, all are new to the Justice League. A character such as Spectre will give the Justice League a considerable power boost, making them essentially a god-level team, one that comes together in a new variant all 1990s fans will love.

Justice League Unlimited #1 is on sale November 27 from DC Comics!

“}]] A powerful throwback.  Read More Â